“Long lasting brightness of composite veeners”

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Dr. Javier Cremades
Graduated in dentistry from the European University of Madrid (1996-2001).
Since 2001 he has continued his training in Restorative and Aesthetic Dentistry, carrying out different post-graduate courses and specializations in Spain, USA, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Italy and Brazil.
From 2000 he began to train professionally with Dr. Radigales and in 2005 he joined his medical staff where he will remain until 2012.
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In January 2013, Dr. Javier Cremades began his new project in Madrid at the Madrid Institute of Dermatology and Dental Aesthetics (IMDE), together with its director, the prestigious dermatologist Dr. Juan Sopena.
In addition to Madrid, Dr. Cremades receives in Valencia, Malaga, Cordoba and Rome (Italy)
Dr. Cremades was professor in the Department of Occlusion of the European University of Madrid from 2003 to 2012.
He is currently a professor at the University of Foggia (Italy)
Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine. Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics.
Dr. Cremades is visiting professor of different post-graduate courses in Dental Aesthetics and Orthodontics from different Universities and study centers in Spain.
- Invited Professor of the Master of Dental Prosthetics and Aesthetics of the European University of Madrid.
- Invited Professor of the Master of Restorative Dentistry at the University of Valencia.
- Invited Professor of the Master of Pedodontics of the European University of Madrid.
- Visiting Professor of the Master of Restorative Dentistry at the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid.
- Invited Professor of the Master of Multidisciplinary Orthodontics at the University of Lerida.
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