"Paste in your hands” for a smile-proof restoration

2020giov10dic17:30giov23:50"Paste in your hands” for a smile-proof restoration17:30 - 23:50(GMT+01:00) Best Western Ai Cavalieri Hotel OrganizzatoreCentro Odontoiatrico del Dr. Romano V.

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Even in this special period, following the precise anti #COVID prescriptions, on December 10 we will be in Palermo, Sicily, at the Best Western Ai Cavalieri Hotel, for a refresher meeting on Tokuyama dental materials for direct restorations, with practical and theorical training.
In cooperation with the dental practice Centro Odontoiatrico of Dr. V. Romano and led by Orazio Toscano, Tokuyama’s Specialist trainer in the Sicilia-Calabria-Sardegna area, responsible for the Euronda line and with Marco Amore, Marketing and Communication manager of Tokuyama Dental Italy, the focus will be on the spherical filler power of Sigma, Asteria and Omnichroma.

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Centro Odontoiatrico del Dr. Romano V.

This center has been working for its patients’ oral health and smiles for almost 50 years.

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Best Western Ai Cavalieri Hotel

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Italian branch of the Japanese company Tokuyama Dental Corporation, leader in the manufacturing of materials for prosthetic and restorative dentistry

Tokuyama Dental Italy S.r.l.
Operating office: via Artigianato, 7 – 36031 Povolaro di Dueville (VI) Italy
Headquarter: Via Chizzalunga, 1 – 36066 Sandrigo (VI) Italy
Tax code and VAT no. 01760210227 – I.S.O. 01760210227
Reg. Imprese di VI 01760210227 – R.E.A. di VI 298664 – Cap. Soc. €99.000,00 i.v.