Archives Timeline Slider
Launch on the market of Tokuyama Bond Force and Estelite Flow Quick and Dental Advisor Top Award for Bond Force, the self-etching adhesive
Launch on the market of the esthetic composite Estelite Asteria. The first real simplification for esthetic restorations
The new dental resin composite is shaped: Estecem I with its Estelink adhesive for adhesive cementing
Introduction into the European market of the first bulk that does not need a “capping layer”: Estelite Bulk Fill Flow
At IDS Köln, world presentation of the real universal adhesive according to Dental Advisor: Tokuyama Universal Bond
New head office for Tokuyama Dental Italy in Sandrigo (VI). Welcome to the Tokuyama Dental World – for the first time on the European market the new line of flowable composites, Tokuyama Universal Flow with three viscosities
2019 Award for the world innovation thanks to Omnichroma – second place with Omnichroma al Prix de l’Innovation at Paris ADF
For the 11th year in a row, Estelite Sigma Quick wins the Award Top Composite Award of Dental Advisor.